Medicine has made extraordinary advances during recent years. One of the most visible improvements is through the increased availability of implanted medical devices, such as hip replacements, transvaginal and hernia mesh, artificial knees, metal joints, and more. While manufacturers and investors are generating exceptional financial returns thanks to increasing demand, many patients are suffering – and in some cases even dying – due to complications caused by medical devices.
Medical devices have become a way of life for people with various medical conditions; however, the design, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of a device or implant can be faulty, making life much more difficult and painful for patients than it was before surgery. Implants touted as a cure often end up causing more physical and mental harm and medical expense than the issue they should have resolved. In many situations, it is because the product itself was faulty.
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There are generally three types of product defect lawsuits that can result from the use of and resulting injury from a defective medical device:
- Design Defect: A design defect results from a poorly designed or inadequately tested product. Product designs can be inherently dangerous and can result in an entire product line being defective. A defective design will result in all products produced containing defects that make them unsafe or dangerous for consumers.
- Manufacturing Defect: Even with a safe design, problems can arise during the manufacturing of that design which render the product defective. The use of substandard materials, toxic contamination, missing parts, and more all give rise to manufacturing defects. For an injury to be actionable, under this theory the defect must have been caused by or during the manufacturing process.
- Marketing Defect: When a medical device manufacturer markets its product with incorrect user instructions, false claims, improper warnings or a lack of warnings, or encourages off-label or improper use, this is a marketing defect.
Common Defective Medical Devices
Product manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their products. When consumers get injured, they have the right to seek compensation. These cases are often difficult and require the skills of an experienced products liability attorney. Some of the most common defective medical devices we’ve seen include:
- Knee replacements
- Hip implants
- Shoulder replacements
- Vaginal mesh
- Heart valves
- Pacemakers
- Defibrillators
- Insulin pumps
- IVC filters
- Breast implants
- IUDs
- Stents
- Surgical pain pumps
- Endoscopes
- Power morcellators
- Hernia mesh
Houston Medical Device Lawyers
Millions of Americans rely on the innovation of medical devices to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle. When these devices fail, tragic consequences can follow. Whether the device was improperly manufactured, designed, or labeled, the skilled lawyers at Minces Rankin can help you recover compensation for your injuries as a result of a dysfunctional medical device.
Victims may suspect that product defects are to blame for their injuries, but it can be difficult to know for sure where a flaw originated and who is liable. A knowledgeable products liability lawyer from our firm can investigate and find answers. If you become injured by a defective medical device, you and your family deserve to be compensated for medical expenses and emotional anguish. However, filing a claim against a neglectful manufacturing company is imperative for holding that company responsible for its actions. We represent clients nationwide and offer free, no-obligation consultations.